We built RxDiet to make healthy eating simple and enjoyable.

Backed by scientific research to deliver the most accurate nutritional guidance, we make ordering meals and eating well as seamless and affordable as possible.

The issues we tackle

1. Precision
Nutritional guidance based on cutting-edge science.
2. Personalization
AI-based recommendations informed by your cultural and lifestyle preferences.
3. Cost
Priced far below national averages to help reduce food insecurity.
4. Behavioral
In-app coaches and concrete guidance to help support more than just diet.
5. Learning
Motivational content curated to variety of interests and issues.
6. Community
Share in stories and receive support from those facing similar challenges.

Meet our team


Roman Kalista, MD

Co-Founder | Chief Executive Officer

Russell Brooks

Head of Operations

Misha Golosker

Director of Strategy

Jan Skvaril

Co-Founder | Chief Technology Officer

RxDiet panel of experts

Michael Dansinger

Michael Dansinger, MD

Advisor | Director - Diabetes Reversal Program, Tufts
Michael Cantor

Michael Cantor, MD

Advisor | CMO, Bright Health
Steven Logan

Steven Logan

Advisor | Market President, Aetna
Stacy Olsen DiStefano

Stacy Olsen DiStefano

Advisor | CEO, CFHS
Michael Golinkoff

Michael Golinkoff, PHD

Advisor | United Behavioral Health, Aetna
Benny Rubin

Benny Rubin

Advisor | CEO, Senders
Jay Bakshi

Jay Bakshi

Advisor | Medicaid, Health First
Learn nmore
We’re excited to bring our expertise in nutrition, technology and healthcare to the forefront of modern care. If you are a payor, provider, or patient, join us in learning more about what we do and how we can help take your organization (or life!) to the next level.